Out of 2.5M people in the U.S. that go into rehab only 50% of them actually finish the program. Out of those who stay, around 90% will report less than satisfactory results. 9 out of 10 of those who finish the program and leave say “it didn’t work”.
At Beond, 95% of people stay through the treatment. Of those that stay, 9 out of 10 say “it worked”
Ibogaine has the power to interrupt addiction by resetting the opioid receptors to a novice state. Psych*edelic-assisted therapy helps to integrate the lessons and support the interruption of harmful patterns to ensure lasting recovery. The rest is up to you. If you do not wish to change, ibogaine most likely won’t be as effective.
Beond’s visions is to end the epidemic of untreated trauma and ineffective treatment of addiction & depression with safer ibogaine treatment and therapeutic support for all who need it now.